
Energía Solar

Título: Influence size facets on point focus solar systems
Descripción: A theoretical study is carried out to understand the effect of the size of facets and of their optical errors in multiple facet point focus solar concentrating systems
Título: Optical design high flux solar furnace for Mexico
Descripción: In the present work, the optical design of a new high radiative ?ux solar furnace is described. Several optical con?gurations for the concentrator of the system have been considered. Ray tracing simulations were carried out in order to determine radi-rative ?ux distributions in the focal zone
Título: Three Dimensional Analysis Concentrated Solar Flux
Descripción: A 3D study has been carried out for the distribution of concentrated solar radiation in the focal zone of a solar concentration system. A computer program has been developed to obtain isosurfaces of solar irradiance and achieve a homogeneous radiation flux on the receiver surface

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